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Exploration Coercion (Savage Wasteland Music Collective 2012)


   Including of Disdane on bass guitar, Douglas Fur (banjo, piano, cello, violin), Eric “Johnny” Freedom on trumpet, drummer Luke Romano, Nick Berger (accordion, saw, vocals) and Pat “The Bunny” Schneeweis (guitars, vocals, bass) with Wyndham Maxwell (Worcester, college) into this mistaken instruments of Punk-Rock Folk Indie music gone terribly wrong players making their sounding tracks tentatively unique and sober as an Anarchist popular sightings ever be found over Tuscon, Arizona by Ramshackle Glory.
   The half-chaotic and less-Pop sensibility recaptured through the combinations between brass sections and acoustic slamming or the semi-Grungy feelings on fighting the World Order sink or swim over the lake of Folkish touches as simplicity met the non-profit point of views and the belt of the audiences shrinking follows the lyrics that browsing a questionable answer for the album title – Who Are Your Friends Gonna Be ? divided into three parts acts and more independently rocking moments through the tracks written by the band whom questioning their audiences further more within Gospel Music for The Coming War, The Club Hits of Today will be The Show Tune of Tomorrow, Fuck Everything (Reportback from The Nihilist Working Group to The General Assembly of Occupy Tuscon) and Song for The Next May Day - already made.
   Maybe Ramshackle Glory trying to remake Punk Rock and Folk tension to be a real biter again but this time using more softer form to avoid government agents infiltration or investigations from these suburban music terrorists. 

Who are your Friends gonna be:

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