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Sick Mouth Equinox (Not On Label 2013)


   There’s no excuses for anyone whom cannot drink whiskey or growing beard, making excessive music or even not being religious at all but these Corpus Christi, Texas’ Stoner/Southern Rock can be an example of how the world sees the west and the west looking back at them without terrible prejudice and honor except just being honest to their own roots as the group tried to show some parts of it through the self-written music and hard-lifer lyrics as you might listening on songs like Bastard Son, The Wolves and Renegade Riders where slug-beers, bikes and chicks, power of brotherhood and shooting first before questioning are the life-style as the grooves sounding manly enough and the militant solos licks never failed to impressing us; Switchblade Jesus the quartet should be on your Southern Metal rack collections these days, prowling their ways to shearing the slashed Molotov blasts effective music only for the rebellious ones with this self-titled record.

Switchblade Jesus:

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