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Hanging Bodies 1904 (Varese Sarabande 2004)


   The spin-off installment from two famous merchandises of our terrible monster's creature features on this Sci-Fi Horror and adventure movie Alien vs. Predator (AVP) which might be disappointed for many Aliens Movies fanatic fans for not seeing Ripley whom replacing by a new character whose smarter played by Sanaa Lathan as an archeoligist, linguistic expert, guide and mercenaries girl named Alexa Woods hired by the multi-milliuner industrialist of Wayland corporations Charles Bishop to fly with his own-picked team of experts for his company to Antarctica where scientists had discovered a huge temple from a very old civilization buried deeper under the frozen ice as at the same time - a gigantic space-craft carrying troops of Predator creatures also targeting the same point and soon landed on the planet Earth again. As the team arrived; they mysteriously found that there's a big hole of tunnel already drilling to the temple place where it belongs deep while some of the team-mate entering the ancient place one of them mistakenly activate the cryogenic for the Aliens breeding queen to comes alive and started lying eggs. From the pictographs on every walls surrounding Alexa, Charles and the rst of the team sooner reveals the old history about the time begins as the ancient civilizations got their first extra-terrestrial visitors then re-called as gods the predators came and breeding the xeno-alien beings using the human hosts sacrificial for the ferocious creatures to spawning rapidly then being hunted by the predators. As this "lab facility prison" temple ended up as a total failure for the aliens race dominating the predator gods as humanity almost at the brink of the extinction stage because of this - the predators decided to devastate the place with a huge explosive bang but leaving some underground parts preserved for centuries. The next story would be a deranged horror panorama where the aliens killing most of the experts team leaving some survivors including Alexa Woods whom then luckily, had a chance of teming up with one of the predator being for destroying the last part of that temple before the aliens reaching the surface with the instrumental tracks composed by Harald Kloser tearing down our normal feelings for thus suspend, eerie, fearful and scary scenery of the movie itself for Down The Tunnel, Southern Light, The Pyramid, Dark World to Weyland's End or Showdown which terribly made this related installment worthy to watch.
   As the endings wouldn't really surprising but also shocking which Alexa finally coming out the hole, hand in hand successfully, killing the gigantic queen of aliens with the predator that then died. Awarded by other predator creatures for her bravery and left save unharmed; the audience only waited a bit longer to see how a new breed of aliens baby bursting out the chest of a dead predator inside their spaceship and the rest is continued not concluded ...

Alien vs. Predator soundtrack:


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