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Maiden Plague (Dark Descent Records 2016)


   Put together some of those members of the underground Death Metal band names into one particular project newer for the occasion temporary of permanent destructible recording expert's experiments and you might got the purest chaos music in the end result. That's how this new Jersey's band Ruinous activated their first moves where some members or ex- ones from groups like Incantation or Goreaphobia joining force as they're creating something more brutal like this recording session of Graves of Ceaseless Death and you will soon know about how dangerous the album really sounded like. Through the ferocious tracks of malignant formats of everything destructively creates to demising the society or the planet with desolation, doom and death becomes the ultimate solid themes for every each songs - The Tombs of Blasphemy, Dragmarks, From Flames of Malice Born, Ravenous Eternal, Through Stygian Catacombs and Torn Forever from the Light must be the fanatic fans of this sub-genre anti-commercial and human-kindness music leading roles as anthems for tomorrow coming fast as the globe burns into ashes before completed extinction of men shalt be done. thank you for fuck's sake to the Ruinous trio of destruction: Matt Medeiros (vocals, guitar), Alex Bouks (guitars) and Shawn Eldridge (drums).

Graves of Ceaseless Death:


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