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Pesha War Bridge (Polydor 1988)


   This is one of the infamous caused about how soon the Sovyet communists lose all of their power and will as the free world should thanking John Rambo for not only saving Colonel Sam Trautman his trusted ex-top leading figure during Vietnam Wars, First Blood and Rambo II the sequel but different now as the Sovyet occupying as the meanest invaders Afghan people could ever seen since three hundred years ago. Helping the mujahiddeen  villagers and the rest of the story continued; the evil Sovyet army led by Col. Alexei Zaysen finally finding themselves from hunters turned to the hunted by Rambo and his companion troops of local warriors fighting the holy war against the Russians on this epic action movie Rambo III and the great soundtrack score composed by Jerry Goldsmith.
   The massacre of no honor, the countless explosions, the innocent casualties to the brutal scenes from the shoot-out really fixed as the capturing background of the horrific real events teach us about how history rewriting itself with this war conflicts subject. The Game, Night Flight, Afghanistan, Flaming Village, The Boot and Final Battle proving that even John Rambo awarded as the worst actor from Razzie Awards; we know that opinions and lucks are chosen Rambo to win this bold fights against the tyranny nation as well as the US dominance to win the "Cold War" race while the Sovyet collapses and this may change an entirely political power worldwide.

PS. Don't forget the best scene where Rambo using a tank to destroying the Mi-24 helicopter on collision as a big freaking explosion also the sand tunnel guerrilla warfare.

Rambo III (The Complete Original Motion Picture Soundtrack):

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