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The Buick Place (Self-Released 2014)


   The six-strings performance in a very decent way made flesh on an album by Tristan Omand; the Manchester – New Hampshire solo artist whom playing calmly and only him, the acoustic guitar and couple friends helps recording this Eleven Dark Horse album for you by pleasure and chances on sharing feelings gloomy written on thus tracks of darkness humor, characters and wisdom tales with Joey Pierog on upright bass, Brian Coombes doing most other musical instruments to drummer Tim Gray and fiddle and piano sounds covering the mix for these Country-Folk-Pop Rock tense which sounded low but wiser than your thoughts before listening to Hotel Sheets, 21 Windows, Bluebird or North Dakota Romance; bring those feelings about the person you used to love or around to completes you After The War with the world below.
   It's like when one waiting the first sun-light of a new day begins on a green green grass-field behind the big tree - listening to someone sounded similar to the younger Johnny Cash speaking his truth through his body and his soul.

Eleven Dark Horse: 

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