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Real Estate Arrow (Island Records 2013)


Sydney, New South Wales must be one of the important place in Australia that keeps delivering more birth of quality bands from every kinds of genre of music and this time - we would gladly meet and taste the essential Indie-Pop Rock sounds from the band naming themselves Boy & Bear but different to be just a copycat of the animation movie Open Season; these Aussie rockers releasing one of their best efforts as the second album entitled Harlequin Dream that only positioning for the chart of 80 in Belgium but receiving Gold certificate from ARIA cause the topping charts for number one back home. Combining the World Music with Folk Rock, Indie-Pop and Country; Boy & Bear that consisting of Dave Hosking, Killian Gavin, Tim and Jon Hart to Dave Symes must be so talented and authentic for creating the self-written music and wiser lyrics and then, putting them in a solid mix for sounds to recording music they've love and influencing them. The Harlequin Dream consisting of eleven tracks which each of them telling stories differently but equally one as the dreaming boy or bears for a harlequin girl or perhaps, anonymous than just a literary ones. The simple top medium British beats for Indie Rock pushed a boundary for Three Headed Woman, Bridges, A Moment's Grace, Old Town Blues and Southern Sun that rather be to refers onto something quite luxurious; demanding a solution of simplicity offers from the suburban traffic and neighbors of common people to solves theirs - as in this case, via a good tender music !

Harlequin Dream:

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