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Machines And Gods (Greyhaze Records 2014)


   Choosing the fitting name as Warfather on dealing with the excessive destruction as you performing the Death Metal demolition’s party filled blood as half of your audiences troops already raiding the stage and the surroundings – either burning something or slashed someone’s body in the total mosh-pit crowds that seems didn’t care about their older generations in a use of their demolishing weapon of Extreme Metal Music on Orchestrating The Apocalypse.

   The quartet of Augustus (bass, vocals),  Deimos the drummer,  Armatura or Steve Tucker handling the shreds of this brutal musical and the mixed of Death Metal as its lid for opening al the negativity kept in mind and heart for tremendously opening freaky gaps for generation to come together. Taunting The Deity, Legions, The Shifting Poles and We are The Wolves; shall be staying until thus merciless aging stopping us from summoning. 

Such a powerful destruction blasts that dangerous, fast, crushing and carries violent on its claws, fangs and evil brain ! 

Orchestrating The Apocalypse:

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