As the weather uncertainty colder
season within the wind blows affecting you and the people not to staring too
darn long into the small storm outside as the darkness finally, misses the
light for the first time conceiving the wholly unique terms on a non-pretension
for singularity in vision or scope as the duet trapped the listeners between
the exhilarating and shivers feeling for the strings section magic spells of
music made by Raphael Weinroth-Browne (cello) and Heather Sita Black (voice)
known themselves to be The Visit; Ontario’s Experimental Chamber Classic noise
recordings on Through Darkness Into Light that possible as the progressive
world music meets the semi-Heavy Metal or Goth sounding eerie and little bit
unsafe for easy listening program but the fourteen minutes more creepy mellow
harmony on Without This Flesh to Cast Off The Veil by the more than eight
minutes play shall opening the eyes and ears of the blinds and the deaf to be
cured again by these touch of orchestral leads to suffocation hands disguising
as softer Alt-Classic Poison Pop.
Through Darkness Into Light:
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