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Mortician’s Daughter (Topshelf Records 2015)

Chicago, Illinois USA is one of the cities there that always never out of stocks when we talking about good Indie bands spotting on its surroundings area music scene and as the seconds gone now again – we got another new good name of Ratboys; the Indie-Pop band consisting of a quartet that fronted by the girl singer/guitarist familiar in her unique vocals like the long-missed version of Lisa Loeb meeting That Dog in a trauma center singing simple but honest records playing bunch of semi-Jangle Rock and half-piece of Alternative music from the nineties with Julia Steiner, Dave Sagan (guitar), Will Lange (bass) and Pat Kennedy (drums) releasing the album called AOID; performing their emotional Pop-Rock influences as well as the naïve ideas from the past sixteen era for writing these good sensitive songs of Charles Bernstein, MCMXIV, Postman Song and Pivotal Dates. 

Remarkably, could defining the happiness feelings from you to sparkle shortly after you realizing by surprises that you already humming with them.


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