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Red Tomb Chaos (Profound Lore Records 2015)


   Crusty dark deviance of fully attacks Speed Heavy Metal with the Thrash jaggernaut pounding tempo that the solo riffs and charger chords sounded slicing and dangerous as the killer figures that too powerful binding our lame universe in separated ways like a monstrous magnetic energy fields on the VHOL’s Deeper Than Sky that told the audiences about one of the regular events which appears on this life inside the smaller universe that cannot be predicted when and how its going to end or changes – instantly, a hundred years from now or tomorrow; as the band adding a new blonde female bassist Sigrid Sheie for completing the formation with John Cobbett (guitars) or Mike Scheidt (vocals) whose combining their skills in performing Heavy Metal and also writing songs for this San Francisco band. The exponent features for VHOL’s balancing on hatred to destructions stories via knowledge of science and old beliefs suitable really fine  within their transforming Trashy crushing Metal and slower melodies for interesting next chapter of speeding up tempos to blasts upon you and everyone else – pathetic humans using the crazy seven tracks on the recording lists such as 3AM to The Desolate Damned or Lightless Sun and Paino. The screaming out his lung from the vocalist Mikey shall reminding you about the old Joe Belladonna or any Manowar to the early Thrash Metal Classic products.

Deeper Than Sky boldly enough for displaying their non-monotonous approaches with the cleansing slashing soloist or blasted Thrash Metal wrath !

Deeper Than Sky:

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