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Turtle Dick (Kopperation Records 2016)

The simplicity chaos shaped in the malfunctioned Thrash-Punk crazy band either they’re leftish or right wings doesn’t really matters to the same audience with madness based personality listening to this fast and furious of Germany’s Fleshhead Attack as The Exploited siamese twins with Gunther on vocals, Egon on klamfe, Flo (bass) and Mono for schlazeug non-corporate just like Crust-Core Punk on Flakka effects as ferocious as they wanted to be on this Brainparasite. 
The album recording with thirteen tracks with almost the same fierce power-violent protests lyrics and slam-dunking slapstick crushing beats visions that would blown you house out and kill your fucking parents instead for acute nausea or ears bleeding meanwhile the classic bastard songs blasting from the inside of your stereo within Black Sheep, Trash TV, Scum of Society, Face to Face or Nerve Wrecking Norf as the infections spreading on highest alerts outside and most of those humans that you already hate for their existence either dead or turning to a flesh eating cannibal creatures as well as the toxic waste becomes a poisonous drink of choice and the infected cattle, infected shit-heads and the crazy snow-cleaner truck seems looking its for killing them all, don’t forget this album to play as loud as it could before you successfully win or die ! 


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