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Mandeville Groaning (SCP Foundation 2012)
eerie Indie Horror games actually, not too suitable for children to play
creates by Joonas Rikkonen as the supernatural and mutant/aliens-related
creatures that used to be contained inside the secret laboratory rooms escaping
caused by the malfunctioned systems within the controller headquarter on this
SCPContainment Breacj Game full soundtrack which has been composed closely to
the madness level of chaotic mass destructions through the game console
missions while you choose to playing yourself and be a hero or working co-op
together with others in group trying to capturing the weird creatures or just
stabilizing the conditions inside that secret facility. It’s not easy to
containing them all like the most hideous and highly dangerous ones like
SCP-173 (the penis-like monster) and SCP-096 (the tall white mad-albino
monster) from the hostile Euclid class that will chasing down and devours you
or kills you within their various abilities
that would destroying the scientists’ dreams of making the collectible
experimenting secret labs project for the government’s interest – as it gone
wrongly, bad. The soundtracks theme of thus scary yet suspend type of
instrumental Ambience music terror through the creations of Tim Morrison, Kevin
McLeod to FireFox or other unknown music artists. The creepy atmosphere build
on this semi-horrific gaming that would making your hair on the back stands
wile playing it alone. He sound effects and the crazy imaginary tracks like
Channel 3 by Tallfellow, SCP-1499 from Revo794 or SCP-079 Ambience performing
by Class401 among others like he Dread or Blue Feather in common dreadful
moments possible to happened while you and other players missed the focus
towards mission or distracted by the Anomalous Ducks or SCP-999 but don’t ever
making mistake when facing SCP-049 aka The Black Plague Bird Man whom will
turning you into SCP-049-2. So, make sure that you already put on your gears
like Hazmat suit or weapons before entering down the facility. Link: https://youtu.be/X_EmnKhRI3c
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