Releasing in July as the
next installments for the previous first movie produced by various names from
Roxanne Benjamin to Brad Miska as well as the direct-short movies divided into
four sequence of the featured series of video-tape founded by two amateur
investigators Larry and Ayesha to seek the whereabouts of Kyle by his mother
request finding a clue to this old abandoned house with a laptop with Kyle
recorded video message hypnotizing Ayesha to try one of thus video-tapes. After
the narrative Tape 49 closing the story for this V/H/S 2 movie started with
Phase I Clinical Trials which showing us about how an ocular implant camera on
someone’s eye replacing the disability with fear and it happens to Herman and
his girl Clarissa being trapped inside his condo with plenty ghost and spirits
jump-scaring them even kills both of them as an advance technology fails again
followed by A Ride in The Park: the infecting zombie creeps bites and turning
the bicyclist into one of them and as zombie Mike and the rest of the horde
walks crossing the park where they’re devastating a birthday party and feeding
on more people with some lucky ones escaping as well for Mike the unfortunate
events ended with him put the gunshot under his chin and blow the head’s out
for good. As Ayesha cannot stop continuing to watch more video a dark scary
figure was watching her from another room but the third video showing and this
time farther away with Safe Haven about an Indoensian cult community infiltration
interviewers by the news crew with the top leader called Bapak (father) as it
continues within an invitation for the 4 members of the news crew visiting the
community place on a remote quiet place on the outskirt only to have their
ruined interviews turning bloody mess as the cult celebrating the second coming
of the Anti-Christ baby creature as they’re mostly did suicide acts, orgy sex
and later re-animated to the undead horde as the crew themselves scattered or
died, the conclusion for this video is shocking and sarcastic. Before Kyle
shown up to kill Larry, Ayesha whom already turning to zombie attacking Larry
but got killed by him and as the last video showing on TV for Slumber Party
Alien Abduction about these poor young brothers Gary and Randy with their dog
Tank and their sexy older sister Jen and her boyfriend Zack doing silly or fun
things due to the parents absent at home like lake swimming or sleep-over snack
partying turned frightened when some aliens that lurking from the dark sky came
down to abducting the human children. One by one of them disappears as the
ending would sadly showing Tank the dog died as it fell from high altitude.
Music for this movie created by James Guymon to Steve Moore and Fajar Yuskemal
with the soundtrack songs like Love Reaction by Lovelock, Ayahku from Kuteu
Mayanti or Decion by Natur and 6 Different Ways to Die performed by The Death
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