Monotonous and too underground for being likes by your spoiled richer kids friends with the opening number of A Drowning King existing for non-biological entertaining of evil spirits journey revisited for about almost twenty-two minutes along for the demiurge atmosphere and non-stop double pedals drumming as the ritual getting closer to reality as even for the non-believers to join or to die. As the second track comes in your stereo; be exactly prepared that you will leave one last bullet for your-self or your brother but for now as the Two-Headed Winged Figures (The Golden Egg and The Circular Mirror).
Entering the Progressive Mad-House as you didn’t realized it is too damn late for antidote because for this type of depressive extreme music – there’s no; never a cure especially from the underrated group like Oaks Of Bethel – disguising as to be misinterpreted as Christians but in the end falsely giving evidence of fake and lost path as the herds of righteous ones dies.
In The Gloaming:
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