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Shiver Gonna Die ! (Sounds Of Subterrania 2015)


   Online meeting and media social rapid communications really can creates a whole new collaborations from one musician to another via internet or perhaps, using the old ways correspondent as issued on the next story about how these two rockers met and starting their duo or group project playing Surf-Rock, Indie-Pop and Punk Rock Garage sounds using name as The Courettes and via Here Are The Courettes; our couple of this Brazilian/Danish power Indie-Garage music blasting louder enough to destroying your neighbor’s private party and makes some faces sour through the energetic mission of spreading classic Rock N’ Roll noise and sensual screaming vocals to waking up half of the entire community when one decided to put this record on in mid-treble volume before midnight as you might thanking the duet: Flavia Couri on her Riotgrrrl's raw vocals to fuzzing guitars or Martin Couri on his hell-pit drumming that rocks for bursting Money Blind, Go! Go ! Go !, I Wanna Be Your Yoko Ono and The Boy I Love.
Not a nightmare or dreamy project album but essentially, some of these tracks sounding pretty awesome and good to listen while drinking cocktails or beers next to the beach life community as the evening comes but nobody wants to going home but stay and celebrates life – today !

Here Are The Courettes:

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