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Split Screen Wheel (Aware Records/Columbia 2003)

   The second effort reality effects really works for the Bridgeport, Connecticut born musician - John Clayton Mayer’s album – Heavier Things where more Pop-tunes with the stillness of solid rootsy musical of Blues/Jazz and Soulful Rn’B penetrates on every single sided and formatting the entire whole record something that can be reliable onto not just a great tracks but also land-marking status through this record but so sorry, cause John Mayer might being too “independent and idealistic” for releasing this one rather than everyone would remember for the furor first record that spawning much hits and sounded popper than Heavier Things. One might reconsidering  that this record only recommended for the fanatic fans and not for public consumptions but once again with the talents and courage as solo musician’s single voice as being accompanied by his soulful guitar play; John Mayer keep on producing several mid-tempo potential songs here like Bigger than My Body, Clarity, Something’s Missing or Come Back to Bed and New Deep revealing another wisdom messages and romance mixing with the air as lovers and wiser elders holding hands or get connected in between themselves before reacting and re-connects the world through good Pop music and crunchy vocals.

Heavier Things:

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