Double discs of full blown chaos in a
real reality type of conditions where the planet Earth actually, at the stake
of brink-doomsday as apocalypse finally, appears among us is what you might
feeling while having this semi-legendary compilation recording virus: Undead A
Tribute to Disrupt – our beloved Boston's rawest crusty Hardcore Metal forms that not
only dangerous for adults and human beings in generality within the products of
brutality and sarcastic non-humor protests or darker lyrics which you might
find as similarity through Extreme Metal Music which endorsing secularism,
proletarism and Satanism Anarchy that wanted a faster revolution as the ruling
class crushed and destroys; the thirty-three tracks listing which nothing
helpful to any single desperate people but suicidal after a serial killer’s act
while the deader corpse of Ronald McDonalds slowly rising back from the grave –
hungry for fresh meat and Heavy Metal extreme sounds. Horrific, smashing harder
and totally destructive not suitable for any pencil-dick macho fuckers out
there whose stupidly admitted that they’re the extremists but then, vomits
after four tracking eruptions like hell itself towards the cover version
tribute of Disrupt songs like Otnamus – Smash Divisions, Strong Intention – Pay
for & Down My Throat, Famine’s Eat Shit, Pureza Genocida on Crock O’Christian
and Irritiation on Be Your Own Boss; sounding too killer just like the angrier
version of The Exploited in the nineties era or several names of the
underground metal Indie bands that you and your other crazy shit music would
loved to having this double discs on the stereo and sacrificing some
politicians on the altar of mankind future on this toilet Earth and fast-food
consumerist mouth to feed and Krueger seemingly, shall pay for their chosen
tribute song of Pay For; an indicator about how capitalistic we and our infants
already contaminating and tamed.
VA Undead - A Tribute to Disrupt:
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