Emma – his fiancée was killed in a park makes Dr. Alexander Hartdegen the inventor and teacher for Columbia University of New York did what he must do to saving his beloved Emma using the researched gone succeeded as he devoted to finishing The Time Machine several years later after the tragedy for travelling back through the past but cannot manage to prevents Emma’s death – this time by the horse-drawn vehicle frighten carriage murder. That was in 1899.
Distraught and losing hope to continuing life; Dr. Hartdegen discovering the experimental travel through time-lapse to the future which science perhaps, having the answers for helping him solve to change the past as holographic sentient tells him everything in 2030 as then, goes on to 2037 showing how the moon destroyed by the accident causing by the colonist there while earth is not the inhabitable planet like he used to know – the mistakes of debris knocking him unconscious as the machine travels to 802,701 resulting the eerie looks upon him as reawaken to find primitive lifestyle survivors of the hellish mixed with empty world called Eloi as he meet Mara one of the tribe who speaks English. Dreaming while lived among the new race in their unique lair; Alexander visions soon becomes horrific reality as the next day most of the Eloi being attack and captured including Mara by the jagged-teeth and ape-monster like from the underground kingdom of Morlocks that loves to hunting the Eloi.

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