Painted your ears not with gladness but unconscious feelings when you felt the
uncertainty glancing on air and the tied date for release the reports might
destroying you in a day but worries not cause when you found out there’s still
a good sensible band with a weird acts or sounds to choose from Boston, MA area
then it could be Grass is Green; the free-concept of Indie-Pop and Rock-Art
intentions and mixed race band consisting of four as Andy, Devin, Mike and
Jesse re-working their influenced musical views from the likes of Fugazi to
Shudder to Think or Os Mutantes to Polvo and Wu Tang Clan; blistering the
medium parts of distorted noise and buzzing Pop to the atmospheric sleazy
melodies and fully charged attitudes on admiring the relentless value brought
back by Seattle Sound or Grunge movements that had been born since the last
decades after Kurt Cobain’s turning himself to be a martyr for the
semi-establishment on how you might seeing yourself finding the
self-proclaiming music since then. Grass is Green’s Big Dog Tee Shirt Birthday
Weekend to Another Song called Supersoaker or Scattering Ram and Sammy So-Sick
taken from their album – Vacation Vinny would relatively being the discharging
facts that Alternative Rock or Pop Indie should always be seriously stays there
on the charts on the edge of a mainstream for either a good laughs or the
replacing boredom on regular fake music billboard overrun …
Vacation Vinny:
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