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Dracula Grave Flower (Goner Records 2012)

   While not being around his group like The Golden Boys; John Wesley Coleman III still won’t giving-up for pursuing his Elvis Presley career and writing some good shit songs based on his rooted Punk and Rock N’ Roll a’la Little Richards or Jerry Lee Lewis but more mature and fully smart within the focusing protests lyrics contains inside thus recorded materials tones just like the example on The Last Donkey Show that seems to predict the loss of blue Democratic party on the election days after Obama steps down as for this Indie Rock session that would be a total disaster for the whole nation once again under the rule of those greedy fat elephants or maybe perhaps, because of the mule and his crew making a fucked up stupidity steps that actually becomes deadly moves for themselves just like written unclearly but cannot hiding the truth due to those low baritone or screamo Punkish metallic speed tempos chosen for accompanied the tracks of freedom like Don’t Waste My Time, Animal Bed, Virgin Mary Queen or A Clown Gave You a Baby with the expanding helps from Alexandria Ligawa, Jeremy Steen, Yamal Said to Ray Pride and Jamey Maness to Wallace Lafont Jr. or Walter Daniels on background vocals, guitars, saxophone, bass, drums to piano which carried this Iggy Pop/Elvis Presley/The Rolling Stones’ sixties time-capsule mixing compilations celebrating the loss and found of an era really going to entertains you yet shocking too much ! 

The Last Donkey Show:

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