The working class’ tongue in actions messenger group from Omaha, Nebraska playing their Indie Pop-Rock music blends with Country-Rock, Classic Rock or Brit-Pop as things continued to grow and expanding globally, through their third recording that discuss about devotions, disfigured greed and drugs used, death to comprehends struggles for every low-living workers to fight another day under the corporations regime in a Bluesy Rock or Folk-Rock poetry that beautifully carries out the spirits for the real Mayday (as the band’s name stated) through Bushido Karaoke.
From Mesopotamia to Australia; to the Old West or the hell and back anthems for workers lullabies recorded on that quiet room as the courageous tracks like Continental Grift, Standing in Line at The Gates of Hell, Hidden Leaves, Rock N’ Roll can’t save your life, Father Time to Billy Boy Blues (Day of The Dead Blues) given us the talented working class songs made by the band’s members names such as Ted Stevens, Daniel J. McCarthy, Pat Oakes or Tiffany Kowalski as the new millennium neo-voice of conscious.
Bushido Karaoke:
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