Canadian-Argentine orchestrating composer and producer Isaiah Garcia form
Toronto has being chosen to openly working for the measure thrilling adventure
survivor film of the outdoors hiking exhibition for several girls whom staying
in the middle of the outdoor cabin to get in touch with the wilderness as
planned like their program to deliberates themselves from many kinds of
problematic living thoughts and events that has been struck them before or
still needs to be releasing right now led by the composed female head
instructor Jean as starring by Nicole Marie Johnson, Leisha Hailey, Carrie
Finklea, Sara Mornell with the main character paramedic Kat joining the
expedition of women group for escaping her series of experience on being abused
by her boyfriend finding the inferior among those girls whom also struggling
from uncertainty of life’s background stories like a junkie goth, a
self-confidence model, couple of lesbian and soldier-basic girl to find
opportunity turning out to be a survival fight for being alive while the hiking
plan disturbed by the not girl’s complaining and cat-fight but over some
gruesome male predators or people with guns and other weapons pleasing their
killer instinct by attacking as many people stumble across their path and
territory just like the modern-day girl version for deliverance topic.

hunters breaks their outbound venture before everyone really knowing each other
and gaining fresh perspective on the peaceful trip worsen by the opening
gunshots and rabid retard madman to deal with for the movie Quarries;
Soundtrack of instrumentals or track-song like Liona Boyd’s Quarries: Main
Title, The Jungle is Neutral, The Trail (ft. Vinnie Tu), Living in Time’s
Change, Prey, The Killing Floor, Before The Cold and The Other Side – being released
to accompanied the braver left girl alive to run and defending themselves back
to the civilization away from the hell bent uncharted location through the
wilderness and ravage hunters as perhaps, beautifully devastated to watch.
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