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Investigator War (Xtreem Music 2017)

   Violence, society, death or suffering-based subjects of themes off Ljubljana – Slovenia's Panikk within their Thrash Metal attacks like old version of James Hetfield’s garage days era but sounded modern with the cross-over vocals and old-school style with Gaspaer Flere on guitars and vocals, Rok Vrckovnik the bass player, Crt Valentic on drums and guitarist Jaka Cresnar; drilling the hole on your wall, your ears and your brains by their massive explorations within the fast, loud and smashing music sounds via the warping time traveling of wormhole to elsewhere unknown on Discarded Existence. 
Nine tracks of total blast, killer melodic guitar solos and metallic patterns drumming through Under Pretence, Rotten Cells and all the way of fully charged destruction of your conscious-self being sucked into another dimension after the Outro’s done. 

Discarded Existence:

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