Used to be called themselves formerly as Joe and the Chicken
Heads on the nineties era but due to the more extreme pollutant years after
that and as the new millennium comes and shows of more raping sessions of
humanity to planet earth as they’re building the new shape of terra-forms by
destroying the old house and themselves in the process; Radioactive Chicken
Heads re-born and brought to you and the rest from outside of Los Angeles –
these comedy of Alternative Punk-Rock made to be laughable or carried out as an
anthem for the looney people who loves Punk and its attitudes by the artistic
music. Strange, weirdy, fun and silly but creative – that’s what you can get
through the courageous silliness products made from Growing Mold’s Earth vs The
Earthmen, Waltzing on Eggshells, Bag O’Bones or I Eat Kids sounded evil. Growing Mold:
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