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Pray Or Die (Independent 2015)

   You might cannot stop gnarling and smashing your head while banging it hard to the wall because for the truth, these six-piece Melodic Death Metal unit from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia named Aeteros really comes like a thundering blast of banging attacks of pure growls, riffs and drumming powerful beats that can torn apart the mosh-pit in minutes with their performance of metallic music. 
   Vocalist Alexey Duraev, keyboardist Anton Gaptrafikov, SergeyAklinichev the rhythm guitarist with lead guitarist Evgeyniy Tupikov as well as bassist Zakhar Pushkaryov and drummer Semyon Dobrolyubov signing their seals without mercy or taken prisoners by releasing this ultimate debut full studio album on Riot of Forgotten. 
   The blending of sonic destruction over guitar riffs, violent melodic solos to the rhythmic beats of pagan’s army raiding like malevolent extremity calls the entire metal-heads to joining the head-banging madness party as the music turns a blaze like fucking loud through these tracks like Last Oath, Dura-Lex Sed-Lex, No Past No Future and Lust Pain Hate onto White Noise as the growling vocals sounded like the frontman’s eating children for breakfast to the wilder-storming techniques or skills that might surprising your ears if you still alive to tracking them - the second time as a chance.  

Riot Of Forgotten:

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