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Gracie Lyons (Radioactive 1996)

Don’t confusing with other similar names but the real semi-legends off these Brooklyn – NY Goth-Pop Electro group led by attracting duet and more names like Ben Perowsky, Ed Pastorini, James Genus, Jennifer Charles or Oren Bloedow when non-regretful on to releasing of the band’s debut album in the mid ninety-sixes; Bleed Your Cedar - right from the depth of misty forest below the fog closer to Elysian Field's musical territory. 
A supreme genus of genome equality that basically, mixing the best Pop textures onto the Gothic –Rock sounds taken from New Wave or Punk with an addition of sorrow and depressive down-tempo borrowed from Krautrock or Machine music to Progressive Rock as the beauty blends with the slower beats and live music performance whilst the dense tension of secular lyrics to sensual female vocals suddenly, becomes a new attraction for modern rock scenery since then and the group - Elysian Fields' track-listings empowers your listening ground by the choices for Jack in The Box, Lady in The Lake, Fountains on Fire, Star to Sugarplum Archers; as they’re seems to be imaginative or lunacy both taken the dreams and thorn it onto reality – there’s nothing wrong with the debut album here but pioneering corner-stones. 

Bleed Your Cedar:

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