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Another Brick In The Wall Worms (Mojo Magazine 2009)


   Everyone knows that the wall have been destroyed by David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Nick Mason or Richard Wright; no more education nor teachers as they're defeated and leaving the kids alone (or even before they're destroying Sid Barrett) a long time ago. Mojo Mags known to be a good rock n' roll magazine have decided to do the remake of that one precised iconic and important moment in classic rock history. Recruits many of those newcomers and indie movement groups from everywhere and beyond to performing an anniversary tribute to the most well-known legendary progressive band in the world Pink Floyd and their famous album The Wall - here's Mojo Presents The Wall Re-built! in two discs containing twenty five songs. Yes, once again - the world would seeing with its own eyes how the modern days shaped and destroys then rebuild again in a concept that rising from the big bang explosion of ideas on both sides between good and evil or static and progressive into the renewable yin and yang of rock. So if you still believe that public education is a conspiracy of brainwashing the entire generation for simply a permanent enslavement under one ruler which is a secret society behind thus veils cunquering the global planet citizens like puppet masters; perhaps, you would loved to vaporized these encoding message from Floyd inside their lyrics on tracks like The Thin Ice (perfoming by Papercuts), Empty Spaces (Astra), Peter broderick's - Is There Anybody Out There to Crippled Black Phoenix on Run Like Hell - which mostly sounded brilliant and freshly new like embrios of the next rebellion young army slowly disfunctions the greedy world machine ...



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