demonic lyrics and occult-based power thumping force of Doomy Metal and Heavy
Rock onto the crowd mass or any kinds of ritualistic feasts of pagan views
under the gloomy moon might be perfect not to listening just for a slower tunes
but those speeding ones like freight-train as well and through the overwhelming
classic beats made by the trio of Hampshire – England calling themselves as
Witchsorrow; vocalist/guitarist Necroskull, Emily Witch the female bassist with
glasses or Morrellhammer the hard-side drum-basher releasing this pure-occultism
and anti-religious bullshit music of the dark-side of the near death experiences on No
Light, Only Fire with the total crushing and harmony corroded riffs by The
Martyr, Negatie Utopia, To The Gallows or Disaster Reality shall explaining to
you – a newbie to this Heavy Metal extreme scene the reason why you need to be
afraid of occult-heads people.
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