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Bundy’s Strategy (Mystic Production 2012)

Respect given or putting-up higher for the Poznan – Poland’s best Cross-over and Thrash Metal semi-legendary group: Acid Drinkers that always been standing on their own side with mortal-based bravery to conduct the massive and still faster music louder enough for any beer-fighting, biking bashing and killing kicking party available for those motherfuckers out there who loved and believes in Heavy Metal in fast mode on.
Through the band’s fifteen releasing albums so far and this one called La Part Du Diable; the conquering compositions on board are Slimak the drummer, Popcorn the shredder, Titus on vocals and bass guitar as well as Jankiel on guitars and vocals coming like tidal-wave version of Slayer mixture with Annihilator in a lower-tuned format but still can do much damage onto you and your fucking family and even your neighborhood on watch community if the sounds from that record playing overloaded. 
Proving them all by yourself within The Trick, Kill The Gringo, Old Sparky, On The Beautiful Bloody Danube or Dance Semi-Macabre – sending the complete chaos from the studio on the edge of smaller parts of hell onto your house !

La Part Du Diable:

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