A Detroit/Grand Rapids –
Michigan’s awesomely good format of Progressive Metal with Middle Eastern
touches from the gimmick tranquilizer of the underworld god-keeper Anubis on
those quartet rock-head members of the group called Dendura consisting of Greg
Cloon (bass), Justin Lee Dixon (drums), Aziza Amy Poggi (vocals, keyboards) and
Paul Stein (guitars) that’s going to reminded you about the last Alternative
Metal era back in the nineties which having Tura Satana or Karen Crisis before
Amy Lee and her gang taking over the scenery for good proving to sold-out.
These metallers using their evaluation and knowledge by learning from the
history and heritage of Egypt mythology and written the songs or lyrics based
on those through Afterlife e.p (digital) right here and you might carefully,
listening and head-banging hard following the instant grooves via the five
tracks comparison whether its To Walk with The Living or Resurrection as well
as I Have A Gun that sarcastically given the audiences a glimpse of our metropolis
lives surrounded by curses from the past gone wrong in time shortly …
Afterlife EP (digital):
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