Crossing the extremity
of your after midday activities on whatever you wanted to calling them anyway;
Alternative Rock music will always be a great first choice for many rebel kids
to start a revolutionary ideas of their own somewhere even after the broken
nose or shin bruises just like in Wollongong – Australia and meet The Pinheads
quartet whom being heavily rooted influencing by Punk legends The Ramones
re-knowing themselves as Mikey Pinhead the lead singer, bass player Danny
Pinhead, drum-beater Richie Pinhead and Pauly Pinhead as driving their
emulation of what’s left inside the spirits of the CBGB’s seventy-seven rebelliously
being re-recorded onto this self-titled album of the Aussie band. The Pinheads’
Garage Punk Rock and Power-Pop of Rock N’ Roll attacks quickie and sometimes
mid-tempo ballads may exactly, forcing you to re-think and adding them to the
collections of a ferocious Punk shaped to come as a small riot addictions that
seems never fading by years and keep coming back with a bigger better bangs !
Go get cranky, create your own personal pogo-mosh pit or be somebody and do it
yourself because nothing really matters above money-oriented and commercial
such shitty past; listening to Wildfire, Fight or Flight, Tough Luck and I
Wanna Know might sounded reasonable to do this afternoon !
The Pinheads:
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