An experimental freestyle of
Hip Hop and Rap/Funk/Jazzy grooves made out of Bristol – UK by none other than
your lesser-known intelligent artist, music maker or producer Mr. Woodnote
& Lil Rhys just like a truck rebellion parade with full live band and
musicians doing their fusion of the ultimate sexual-arousing themes as well as
some social-values and problem issues in Rhythm and Blues correctly right in
the street as the crowds cheering-up for them coming as the savior for music
scene on thus semi-underground and mainstream friendly sounds for promoting a
very good freaking time to dance and sing together via Modus Operandi.

releasing album fated to drive the listeners crazy (in a most peaceful ways
possible and freaky not staying stiff but moving their bodies following the
beats), sexy and cool. All you can get or eat there through the 2
Hand Jam feat. Jimvincible, Count Me In feat. Eva Lazarus & MOE (keys),
Diamond in The Dirt to People and They Say So even the live version for
Unsustainable Thinking or SoulGlo – did well one at the time for not letting
you stop form moving your ass shaken and the girls would love to have their
pairs partner on the floor without seeing what colors you are born anymore …
Modus Operandi:
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