Japanese pre-assumed of
Shoegaz-ing grungy-Pop culture noises trapped inside these group called My Dead
Girlfriend consisting of Ideta, Ishikawa, Kinoshita and Shimano must be
terribly joyous on releasing the long-titled album for Underdrawing For Three
Forms of Unhappiness at The State of Existence as well as the opener one or the
second opinion for you to listen through Skyscraper Kills My Ghost in Your Memory
or Vandemieeru No Atama (Vendemiarie’s Head) complicates almost anything you
might thinking of before but as for the music from them – that’s a different
story cause the Pop-based sounds and good beats really won’t get you spoiled
too much but never stops tuning to the last drops on them.
Whether your
boyfriend wailing to the wall for pray so you can coming back as human again or
he just afraid seeing you in a spirit form; don’t be sad cause life’s just an
animation that we can provide or erased in time as we wanted to.
Believe it or
not …
The Link:
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