latter-day incarnating of not a perfection but heading to the next project led
by Nick Halliwell with Phil Wilson to Arash Torabi and Mike Kellie made a
concept of a soft-pop rock group expanding life which carries out thus
lamentation and pop-ish background as their front layer now as The Granite
Shore debuting to their first album together in Once From The Top.

As seeing
will giving you a believing images for keeping the peace in touch with the
natural surroundings as you getting old so did this album happens to be build
to by the group; written tracks and wiser lyrics celebrating the sooner of rural
twilights, end of summer gone, the old antique gate entering an adding ages
with theme-tracks like Backstage At The Ballroom, Fan Club Newsletter no. 44,
Widows and Orphans to Now Therefore … would sounded softly like The Management
of good intentions by these oldies rock players crossing their Nine Days’
Wonder world.
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