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Fayetteville Cup (Atlantic 1994)

Would be crowned as one of those semi-championing and lesser known album from the Alternative Rock scene of the mid nineties; these rockers of their native North Carolina came to the mainstreaming surface with the excellent fourth releasing record – [Living Room Scene] is the most anticipated works from Dillon Fence quartet: Chris Goode, Greg Humpreys, Kent Alphin and Scott Carle as well as the artwork looking neatly fabulous and creative from the miniature doll house with brighter colors but foremost would be the songs that could sending you to the loud boost of sing-along and jumping crazy because of the magic power riffs and melodic tools added pretty well in mix within the song-writings and composed process by the group. 

Whether you would loved to have Laughs, The Right Road, Unnoticed, High School Sap or Where’s Your Kiss to the anthem track romantic towards Queen of The In-Between that catching the most awesome moments that had been captures by the genre music scene that time !


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