Going to reminded one about
the late nineties era group of New Age beats musical performance at first –
like Enigma’s churches choir-influences but then, everything absurdly – changing
into your reality nightmarish of Harsh-Noise and Industrial-Death experimental owned
by the energy from Electronisch-power leading your socio-paths deranged in
beings over psychological psychotic marches on anthems via 4 Month Male (Social
Pathology) to Miscreated Connection (Socially Delusional) as well as thus seven
minutes and forty-three seconds of Bleach Sin suits quite remarkably for only
mostly the abnormalities anomaly acts and the sender received the cured karma
tunes in the making by the artist of loud infectious leper noise-mixer project
off Vaginal Pentagram’s Isolationism.
Where your imaginative asylum sleep-over
turning to staying for too damn longer and nearly permanent as the deafening
noises comes out like the thousands bees or wasps flying down from dark hell –
bringing their stings of poison to punish the ignorant, the greedy and the
sinful hypocrites as the planet turns to doomsday points begins by hanging of
the innocents.
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