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Hoosegow (Red Light Records 1994)

   Take the recording music disc off Skatenigs from Austin, Texas – the second album: What A Mangled Web We Leave with the line-up by vocalist Phil Owen, Billy Jackson and Chris Chambers on double guitars, Lance von Moulder the bass player and Keith Dailey on drums. 
   This Cross-Over unit that playing their mixed of Industrial/Thrash/Death Metal and Rap-Core which consisting of slicing melodies and rhythmic drumming really would be appreciated and snaps your attention to them quite focus as the good recording release plays the main role onto your stereo system pulse as the standard power-grooves sending your head-bang right to the right moment to slam or to jumping around like rock show audiences when the tracks like Texas Tattoo, Regret, Passion for Destruction or Family Values coming like a typhoon of Parasite ready to infecting you like Sign of Dotted Line on Mt. Carmel Cookout and Ranch Apocalypse metallic music Rip Off made of the nineties Heavy Metal era ! 

What A Mangled Web We Leave:

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