considering as one of the best releasing albums over the entire career of these
Germanic Gothic-Rock band formed back at the beginning of the nineties era by
Pisacane and Artaud Seth but later on disbanded due to the different
perspectives or interest to chased and the proof shall remains still frozen
until one opening the record and plays it to your stereo system one dark days. (The)
Garden of Delight also consisting of bass-player
Jawa Seth or Nils Herbig on guitars and many others ex’s and formers but then
re-grouping back without too much original members on it. Sargonid Seal also
carries thus symbol of Enki or Marduk from the likes of Ancient Sumerian old
beliefs and satanic semi-modern life-style worships by the group and dealing
their impossible composing characters through the non-stunning, very cold and
pessimistic themes of relevant sorrows and madness behind tears and lusty sex
of nocturnal feeding activities commonly free as exposing entirely through
either Shared Creation or Confessions of A Captured Cultist or The Seal opening
for Gods and Myths and Paradise via this album. Completely darkened –
excessively bitter under the marooned ceilings …
Sargonid Seal:
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