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Omp Gya Jr. (Bijin Records 2006)

Japanese active trio of Yuri Zaikawa (bass), Masako Himeno (guitars) and Sayaka Himeno (drums) affected by the last century before the new millennium’s computer bug problems; irritating and absurd on making their really turning on or off musical experiments via Nisennenmondai for releasing this secondary Lo-Fi/Progressive Rock/Avant-Garde complicating sounds through Rockon – the record. Souzou Suru Neji (related to literary arts or such) Fuji No Yama as a freaky fact or jokes onto Wowwow and -_- like Marching idiots learning to play their first time music but when you listen to these ladies closer; one shall finding how clever and creative these girl-rockers already mixing their intentions of being not cool but strange images with the amalgam of symbolic for mastering the Prog-Rock brand of their own correctness performance. 

As the green sun shining in a smile means that you’re seeing your own side of madness because of listening to well for this !


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