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Sansoucci Gaol (Hellfyre Club 2014)

   Rory Ferreira aka Scallops Hotel aka Black Orpheus aka The Wise Owl aka Lionel Boyd Johnson Jr aka Milo – the last had taken as his stage personality as this kid did his Hip-Hop or the experimenting American Alternative Rap-Music and Trip-Hop or Rn’B Electro as well as Soul right through the elegantly wasted (not) in both beautiful, creative and affecting the listeners with brand new visionary sounds mixture off Maine through Chile rhyming his flowing rhythm lyrics and beats splashing fresher to elaborates, to re-creates and to radiates thus boredom into a rebirth of spirits within thus Broken-Beat of Electro Hip-Hop via A Toothpaste Suburb album concerning the themes for classic and modern calculations of the issues of socials and public concerns inside the ambiguity and anonymous tracks with thus titles like Just Us (A Reprise for Robert Who Has Not Been Forgotten), Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Thatness and Whatness onto Ought Implies Can and I Cannot through those Argyle Sox (May Hellfyre Live Longer Than Any of Us) as well as Fragrant Pee Farts. 

Since the beginning songs like Salldhor Saan Smuggler and Yafet’s Song – we the audiences already being serving by the variant of Black Music that turning the tide of our majority world onto war for the beats point. 

A Toothpaste Suburb:

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