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04:04 (Not On Label 2013)

   American Post-Rock inspirational drawn as Ambient, Indie Rock and Post-Hardcore blends will punching you after awhile like these Salt Lake City, Utah instrumental metallic group consisting for Daved Harris (guitars), Jarred (bass), Liz Gordon (keyboards) and David Qualls (drums) as this second recording album from I Hear Sirens maybe lesser known but still continuously, little by little amaze your ears through the real progression and Alternative Rock collapsing via Between Consciousness and Sleep.

   Five tracks of fortune journey and plenty high techniques to catch as the butterfly faded for the following Lights and Clockwork and I Am The Fading Sun tells the globe about the past tragedy of the exploding continents because of too much and dangerous solar flares since the global warming incident started to peaking. 

Or is it now ?

Between Consciousness And Sleep:

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