These supreme ugly beings releasing their likes for earthling’s extreme
music such as Porno-Grind and Grind-Core and Punk-Rock and learning Spanish
very well to disguising a communications of thus hidden messages infiltrates
through your brains via the love for extreme Heavy Metal sounds like being
performed by them right onto these six tracks of distorting terrors and
unspeakable activities did or done to the victims by the beings for another
planets or dimensions such us surgery, painful experimental, torturing and
brain-washed to the copulation of inter-extra terrestrial intelligence with the
DNA manipulations and marks all over your body making you a pet for them or an
object to study now and later. Ay’ Te Encargo, Error Al Abducir a in Punalon
through Los Marcianos Asexuales Acosadores de Pobres Vatos may explaining to
you about the rest of compromised agreements or legal-actions for them to do whatever
they wanted to do on us as an exchanged for their technologies to the powerful
top nations to develops. Scary isn’t it !
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