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Spacious Weep (Bandcamp 2015)

Like a monument of unwanted invitation to dragging the darkness into your heart or into your border of the small town with less-inhabitant crossing the breed of Black Metal Classic, Dreone experimental to Industrial of the Western mass-murdering rituals of disturbance musical; cursed every single of you whom denying the existential of evil just like what you might find inside the recording release of Mutter’s The World Without Us – these Massachusetts extreme noise terrorists with nothing to dig in for information about how dangerous the project would spawning things out from within the escapism wicked blackest heart forbidden to worship and to admires but nobody can be a simple listeners but a fanatic fans after the blasphemous keys open through the strange-banging sounds via Orchid Bell, Feral Color, Celestial Bodies, Ocean Floor al the way to No One Could Feel The Planet’s Scrape. 

One will having their heads banged harder and infected by a total headache – anonymous signals leads you to oblivion world of the cursed eternity death on arrival.

The World Without Us:

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