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Back Pages My (Phillips 1970)

   Presumed that there’s a chance to blending the Classic plundered orchestra written by the legendary names like Tchaikovsky or Mozart or Bach to the virtuoso products on instrumentals by the modern Progressive heroes like the master Keith Emerson emerging on the old group off your grandpa’s teenage catalogs as this forays of British souls off singer PP Arnold, featuring guitarist David O’List, drummer Ian Hauge to bassist Lee Jackson as earning reputation as christened adaption in innovative releasing records like The Nice.
   Taken from the band’s quality collections off the fifth records; Elegy becomes straight and solid to be once heard and then, assures you have another round imagining over this Prog-Rock clashing traps of tracks back to the seventies era cleverness that being written and arranged by the group members as tough and must be quite, eligible not easy to forget in a trivia durations like thus ten minutes long and twenty-seven seconds story in American 2nd Amandement or 3rd Movement Pathetique that losing its tail after the seven minutes and five seconds seminal broadcasting signals and Rock N’ Roll still alive to jamming on this album as well just like the opening track Hang on to a Dream that describing how the west was won, build and develops through music of the honest and smart moves to grab the vast continents to liking the gift of life for modern music lovers at that time as continues like the tracks of red balls on crossing the desert. 


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