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Depleting Waste (Black Voodoo 2014)

   Life Exposed might taken no prisoners as their “Doom and Gloom” riot sounds from the performance over these Chicago, Illinois’s quartet may hitting your existence of being human as the imposing cult-products and hailing for the heavier riffs with thus Sludgy metallic and Hardcore emotional tinged towering punchers of bigger sounds louder came and devastating your modern lives into ruin. The sigils and the interruptions over the heavy distorting riffs onto the growler vocals may beheading the wicked and the commercial trendy fuckers as the tidal wave of underground dark and anonymous presence will totally, entirely destructive where Death Metal meets Heavy Rock meets Sludge Core and hell knows what's on the menu.
Grim Existence would be one of your pick of choice over the last day soundtrack – whatever is going to happen to the planet on that moment on and maximize the volume for Reflections II, Plague, Vultures and Extinction can be so much meaningful so that regrets won’t be spoken and waiting is just a short time activity for that damned day.

Grim Existence:

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