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Family Resemblance (Hopeless Records 1995)

   Fast, melodic and never grows older must be the slogan being wave through the air within flag for these Chicago, IL after signing soon to the early career of them to Fat Mike’s label to more shiny success seemingly but as the beginning abrupt awhile for 88 Fingers Louie perhaps, happens to almost every single bands Punk Rock or not in America but only time will tell that the re-united or reunion or the build-up for a new project  can save someone from a short-living cursed on rocking career in music. Known fast for global Punk-Skater domination as Dan Wleklinski, Dennis Buckley, Dom Valloe, Glenn Porter to Joe Principe or Nat Wright by releasing their debut recording called Behind Bars. Not actually, the real bar for drinking but the joint life that they’re talking about mentioned on the front cover but old perverted man kept smiling with having a good time and bitches to pleasing him inside would be a back-story about how criminals still will be kings even the time comes for them to served the cold cell but reality … when money talks and bullshit walks … but afraid not – the crazy cool faster of Skate-boarding Punk Rock and Hardcore will releasing your mind from being a natural bad person; Explanation, Smart Enough to Run, Holding Back, Pent Up to Outright Lies and My Little World keep complaining the angst of the youth and the guilty parties that street life shall always teaching the best to the worst experiences for  your next life stepping in – where the instinct carries you !

Behind Bars:

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