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Malaise Deprogram (Tribunal Of the Axe 2016)


   Misanthropy or sociopath greed or their disgust for humanity dragging the angst and the hatred inside the bundle of hiss from the group hailing themselves as the Crust/Doom Metal with Sludgy effects to barely crushing by purpose by all means necessary living creatures walking with two feet and holding a cell-phone which thanks to the Blues-Sludge Crust mayhem off these Oakland, CA’s five-piece overridden demolition-men; whether Justin Wonder (drums), Bryce Shelton (guitars) or Sean Sokol (vocals) or as the demon monster from deoth of hell - Badr Vogu the band that releasing Wroth as a non-prisoner taken album by far that blistering and smashing the surroundings and killed everyone through the themed songs of Copernican Theory, Narcotically Opague and Deadweight.

Heavier than thou – this bastard sons ! 


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