The UK’s Heavy Metal
Extreme or Nu-Metal group – Chaos Trigger really taking their time to wrote
some of those themes with carefully study over the facts and the folklore tales
to the re-searching by technology as well and Bound In Skin or Kill The Dog
comes with the growler vocals like babies eater monster and that’s how Outpost
31 is born to be recorded and use as a weapon in case the apocalypse really
comes shortly tomorrow while chaos really spreading via this album too extreme
to develops as an attraction for the hopeless and the electrifying left behind
Double pedals and slamming riffs and nothing nice at all may following
the worst songs like Invader, The Pyre Song, The Automaton and Into The
Boiling. Say goodbye to our home planet as the next asteroid comes crossing to
hit this pathetic third stone form the sun.
Outpost 31:
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