Opening in softer sensual Latin-classical guitar play but not too rushy turning to more distorted electric melodies and then, one would realizing that Condor is a truly an Extreme Heavy Metal band with some Thrashy to Death Metal and Doom Rock relevancy according to double pedals, excellent growler vocals and mid-tempo sound on this track Rio Frio; followed by El Lamento de Penelope or La Gran Laguna inserted on the recording release of Duin.
The Condor (band) line-up members: Antonio Espinosa (guitars, vocals), Francisco Fernandez (guitars) and Anders Felipe Lopez (drums) with the help from additional bassist like Steven Johanssen or Julius E. Bola shaping the Bogota’s group to be more courageous for performing their extremely blend of heavy music with melodic penetrations and shreds beats blast and artistic front cover.

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